All4Therapy - Holistic Centers

All4Therapy - Holistic Centers

All4Therapy - Holistic Centers

Health & Wellness Services

Health & Wellness Services

Health & Wellness Services

Holistic & Yoga Retreats

Holistic & Yoga Retreats

Holistic & Yoga Retreats

Wellness Holidays

Wellness Holidays

Wellness Holidays


Get your Degree online

Get your Degree online

Get your Degree online

Courses in Health,Psychology, Yoga,
Tourism and more...

Courses in Health,Psychology, Yoga,
Tourism and more...

Courses in Health,Psychology, Yoga,
Tourism and more...

Alternative Press

Alternative Press

Alternative Press

Holistic Health Magazine

Holistic Health Magazine

Holistic Health Magazine

Yoga, Psychology, Professional Guide,
Holistic Medicine, Seminars

Yoga, Psychology, Professional Guide,
Holistic Medicine, Seminars

Yoga, Psychology, Professional Guide,
Holistic Medicine, Seminars


Welcometo the ΟΛΟΝ Group

Personalized Services
High quality services for businesses and individuals.
Upgrading Enterprise
Business upgrades (spa, gyms, pharmacies, etc.)
Vacation packages
Completed packages of holistic holiday for couples and families.
Possibility of integrating businesses and individuals into the All4Therapy franchise network.


Centerfor Mental and Physical Health

FacultyCenter for Lifelong Learning

AgencyHealth & Wellness Holidays Agency

StoreHealth & Wellness Store

MagazineHolistic Health & Wellness

Franchise Opportunities


Contact us for any questions or information you may need. Make an appointment to learn more about our services.

Basic Services

School of Health & Alternative TherapiesIt includes 24 sections.
School of Psychology & CounselingIt includes 8 sections.
School of Education & Special Needs EducationIt includes 3 sections.
School of Tourism & HospitalityIt includes 4 sections.
School of Physical EducationIt includes 5 sections.
University Programs - HHSCIncludes 4 types.
4 Days Luxury RetreatCome with us for a special luxury Retreat of Ancient Greek Yoga and Ayurveda.
8 Days Luxury RetreatEnjoy an 8 Day Luxury Retreat of Ancient Greek Yoga and Ayurveda.
4 Days Luxury Holistic Health, Yoga & Wellness RetreatCome with us for a special Luxury Holistic Yoga & Ayurvedic Retreat .
Yoga Teacher TrainingHatha-Raja Yoga • Vinyasa Flow • Holistic Healing Yoga • Ayurveda • Thibetan Meditation. Greek and English teaching.
Counseling - PsychotherapyIndividual Therapy - Adults & Children.
Systemic InterventionCouple & Family Therapy.
Clinical HypnosisFears - Smoking - Slimming etc.
Alternative therapiesHolistic & Supplementary Medicine.
Holistic NutritionPhysicopathy - Herbal Medicine.
Support for ProfessionalsSupport for athletes & business.
Biological and Organic Products
Food supplements
Coffee & Products with Ganoderma
Herbal Cosmetics & Sunscreen
Biological Coordinating Devices
GuideIt contains information on the following categories: Psychologists, Alternative Therapists, Dieticians, Healing Centers, Gyms, etc.
AdvertisementIt includes categories such as: Jobs, Job Offer, and Job Posting.
SeminarsIt includes announcements and all the useful information for the seminars that take place.
VacationIt includes holiday packages for various destinations in Greece.

Holistic Card

The best gift to give your loved ones, relatives, family, everyone you love and of course to yourself!



ΜΚΟ ΘΕΡΑΠΕΥΩ | Αναγνώριση Θεραπευτών | Δωρεάν Θεραπείες


Γίνε μέλος στη Μη Κυβερνητική Οργάνωση που διαφυλάσσει και προωθεί τις εναλλακτικές θεραπείες, τους εναλλακτικούς θεραπευτές & τα κέντρα στην Ελλάδα με τίτλο Πανελλήνια Ένωση Συμπληρωματικής Εναλλακτικής Ιατρικής & Ψυχολογικής Υποστήριξης «Θεραπεύω» (Π.Ε.Σ.Ε.Ι.Ψ.Υ.) Μ.Κ.Ο., αντιμετώπισε άμεσα και αποτελεσματικά τα θέματα υγείας με τις εναλλακτικές θεραπείες που ταιριάζουν στην περίπτωσή σου και αν είσαι θεραπευτής ή θεραπευτικό κέντρο απέκτησε την αναγνώριση που ψάχνεις στην Ελλάδα & στο Εξωτερικό.

20December | Online Yoga Courses | Pilates | Meditation


Coming Soon With Online Lessons!

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Sorry ! Nothing is happening today.

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Palaion Patron Germanou 10,
+30 210 591 1119

Spyros Kyprianou & Agias Fulaxeos 182
Limassol, 3083
+ 357 250 53 555
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